Upon graduating in 2008 from the East West Healing Arts Institute, I was also given the opportunity to intern at the Acupunturist clinic affiliated with the school. While there I received the experience not many students have freshly out of school. I would see roughly 40-50 patients a day, many repetitively over the week and months. This granted me an opportunity to hone my skills and see what worked for treatments of common muscle strains/sprains, frozen shoulder, neurological disorders, surgical scar recovery, automobile injuries, etc. So many patients and pain patterns while working in a clinical environment gave me the focus that I still practice today.
My experience as a massage therapist has lead me to develop relationships with the clients who come to me. Managing your pain and working with athletes as they prepare for their next race or competition keeps me connected to this community. As an athlete myself, I understand the stress we place on our bodies and the common injuries associated with them when we over do it. I'm passionate about health and how the human body works. This drive has motivated me to also earn my Personal Trainers Certificate, and expanded my understanding of how everything in the body is connected. Through a combination of massage and table stretching I work to improve flexibility, reduce pain, and promote healing to get you back on your feet and moving.